Page name: Undead Zoo! Zombi-e-Harmony [Logged in view] [RSS]
2015-09-01 21:20:56
Last author: ancienteye
Owner: Kbird
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~Welcome To: Zombi-e-Harmony~

Danny: Welcome~ Here at Zombie-e-Harmony we match your characters best on compatibly and chemist-*gets mouth covered by Johnathon as he's pushed out the door*
Johnathon: Actually~ Zombi-e-Harmony is a place for you to force two unlikely characters to date.
For example: Alex X Elis, Rhett and Siven or Malik and older Sean etc.
The possibilities are nearly endless!
And who knows, perhaps you'll even make a beautiful new love blossom~

[Disclaimer: Zombi-e-Harmony is founded by Betty.Ink. We at Zombi-e-Harmony are not reasonable for, Deaths, injuries, Dates ending in failure, dates ending in awkwardness, dates running away, or the usually inevitable memory erasing]

First Date: Sean X Takara

Date setting: walk on the beach, picnic on the beach then fireworks.

Sean: *straightening out his jacket at the last moment*

Takara: *running over in the white sundress Betty made her wear* "Hi!"

Sean: "Er, hi?" ^-^' "Are you Takara?"

Takara: "Oye!" *nods* "You're my Sean?"

Sean: "W-well, my name is Sean." >///<

Takara: *claps as she hops* "Yay I found my love date!"

Sean: "Let's just start off with a 'date'..."

Takara: *tilts head* "Oye....? What now?"

Sean: "...I guess we walk until we reach the picnic..."

Takara: "Oye~" *takes his hand as she starts skipping*

Sean: *taken a little off-guard and therefore stumbles the first few steps*

Takara: *looks back at him* "...Huh? Oh dancing!" *happily pulls him in front of her* :D

Sean: @_@ "Um...Dancing?"

Takara: "Aye, that's what you were doin~!"

Sean: "And here I thought I was stumbling." :P

Takara: ^-^ "Nope! It was dancing~"

Sean: "Good to know." XD

Takara: "Oh, can ya teach me~?"

Sean: "Well, it was really more a result of getting pulled and not expecting it than a conscious action..."

Takara: " no dance?"

Sean: "I guess if you really want to dance..."

Takara: *happy spin* "Okay, you lead~!"

Sean: "Alright..." *hesitantly puts a hand above her waist*

Takara: *hesitates in thought before placing hands on his shoulders* "Is this correct?"

Sean: "Yeah. So I'll lead with my left, so you step to the right. Ok?"

Takara: "Oye!" ^-^

Sean: *nods and steps right*

Takara: *steps to the left*

Sean: *steps back*

Takara: *steps forward* "Hehehe it's like we're chasing each other."

Sean: "Exactly~" :P

Takara: "I think I like dancing~"

Sean: "Great." :)

Takara: "Oh...we should dance to the picnic~" XD

Sean: "We don't even know where the picnic is, yet!" XD

Takara: "We'll dance long time...then we'll find it!!......It might take time though..." ^-^

Sean: "Oh...ok..." ^-^' *actually getting a little hungry...*

Takara: "Oye?..well in food scent, that way." *tilts head to the right*

Sean: *waltzing her in that direction*

Takara: *giggles as she fallows his lead*

Sean: ^-^

Takara: "Oh there's the picnic~"

Sean: *tries not to look too excited*

Takara: *lets go of his shoulders and hurries to the picnic* "Takara starving~"

Sean: XD "Me too~" *hurries after her*

Takara: *sits on blanket in front of basket* "Oooh smells yummy~"

Sean: *sits across from her* "It does~" :P *opens basket*

*Basket contains various food from each kitchen.*

Takara: "So much to choose..."

Sean: "We could eat a bit of everything..."

Takara: *nods* "Oye! It'll be fun!"

Sean: XP *starts serving some up*

Takara: "Thank you, My Sean." ^-^

Sean: "Just Sean will do..."

Takara: "Oooye....Betty said you were mine..." <:/

Sean: "S-she said what?!" O//O

Takara: "She said you're mine." *blinks in innocent confusion*

Sean: O///O "It's way too early for anyone to say that!"

Takara: "It is? But Takara likes the sound……"

Sean: >/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////< *doesn't know how to respond to that*

Takara: "Oye! You can call Takara 'my Takara'!"

Sean: >/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////< "Msshshh..."

Takara: *tilts head* "'Msshshh' isn't Takara's name." <:0

Sean: *passed out, now*

Takara: "Ahhhh!! Takara killed him!!" *starts quickly shaking him* "Wake up, wake up, wake up!!"

Second Date: Sean X Momo

Date setting: A walk through the mountains followed by a fancy dinner, finished with star gazing~

Sean: *still a little embarrassed from how the last date went and shifting his weight from foot to foot as he waits*

Momo: *comes up fidgeting with her purple dress* "S-Sorry I'm late Miss Betty couldn't decide on an outfit, I kept telling her a dress wasn't proper wear for the mountains, but she insisted. I got to choose the shoes though." *shows her hiking boots*

Sean: *relieved that it really /is/ Momo* "Very sensible." :)

Momo: "Betty thought they wouldn't look good with the dress, but I told her that I'd rather not get hurt then look good and she agreed." *smiles*

Sean: "Yeah. And it's not like this is a /date/ date." :P

Momo: "Yeah, we're just friends right?"

Sean: "Exactly." :D

Momo: "So where are we going?"

Sean: "There's supposed to be a restaurant higher up this mountain..."

Momo: "Then let's get moving!" *grabs Sean's hand and leads the way*

Sean: *a little nervous about holding his friend's crush's hand while she's wearing a pretty dress, but follows her*

Momo: *smiles as she looks around* "It's pretty tonight isn't it?"

Sean: "U-uh..." *looks up at the sky* "Yeah...It is pretty~"

Momo: *blinks* "Is something wrong?"

Sean: "Nothing at all~"

Momo: "Are you nervous?"

Sean: "Why would I be?"

Momo: "Just curious, or is it because of Alamar?"

Sean: "Do you see any lights, yet? The restaurant shouldn't be /too/ far..." *changing the subject*

Momo: *giggles* "Hana said when people change the subject after you ask them something the answer is yes." *kisses Sean's cheek* "You're a good friend to Alamar and me."

Sean: O///O >///< "Y-yes, I am. And because I am a good friend, that did /not/ happen. Never happened. Never will happen. What didn't happen? I dunno. It didn't happen."

Momo: *snickers* "I think I see the restaurant."

Sean: "Oh, thank all that is holy..."

Momo: *giggles and pulls Sean along towards the top*

Sean: *follows her*

Momo: *looks at the restaurant and smiles* "It looks nice."

Sean: "It does...Hope the food's good." :o

Momo: *grins* "Only one way to find out, race you!" *starts running towards the entrance*

Sean: *grins as well as he races her*

Momo: *runs faster as Sean begins to catch up*

Sean: *runs faster, still, letting his competitive side take over*

Momo: *trips and falls inches from the entrance* "ACK!"

Sean: O.O *skids to a stop and bends down to help her up* "Are you hurt?"

Momo: "I... I don't think so." *looks herself over for blood*

Sean: "I don't smell blood... Can you walk ok?"

Momo: *stands up and takes a step forward* "Yeah, you're very sweet for stopping to check on me."

Sean: "Well, you're my friend."

Momo: *smiles and kisses Sean's cheek again*

Sean: O/////////O >/////////////< "T-that's not supposed to happen! I said it wouldn't happen! It didn't happen! So don't do it again!"

Momo: *acts on the opportunity and runs over to the entrance* "I WIN!" *giggles*

Sean: "HEY! That's cheating!" >:/

Momo: "No it isn't, I didn't actually mean to fall and it's not my fault you blush every time I kiss your cheek."

Sean: D///:< "I do not! I mean, you never kissed my cheek! That never happened!"

Momo: *giggles* "When we leave we can race to the next place and I'll give you a head start."

Sean: "If you don't trip, I won't need one~"

Momo: "I didn't mean to trip, it's not my fault there was a tree stump in the way!" *sticks her tongue out and goes inside*

Sean: *follows her into the restaurant*

Momo: "Where do you want to sit?" *looks around*

Sean: "Betty said something about a reservation 'under the stars'..."

Momo: "Really, should we ask someone?" *looks for a waiter or hostess*

*Girl in a maid outfit comes over* "Welcome~ do you have reservations?"

Sean: "This is sort of a blind date, but we're supposed to..."

"Oh so you must be Sean Baster? (Baster is Betty's last name)

Sean: e________e "That's the reservation."

Momo: *giggles at the name* "Yep, that's him."

Maid seems unsure. "I'm sorry but the person that made the reservation said I had to ask...What is your grandmother's name?"

Sean: *distressed sigh* "Betty." =_______________=

Maid: "Correct, right this way~" *starts leading them to a large balcony*

Sean: *follows the maid*

Momo: *giggles and takes Sean's hand as she follows*

Sean: *tries to ignore that Momo's holding his hand in a fancy restaurant*

Maid: *stops at a table at the edge of the balcony, the moon shines just right on the table causing the silverware and glasses to sparkle* "Here you go~"

Momo: "Wow! So pretty." *stares at the sparkling silverware and glasses*

Sean: *under his breath* "Betty really went all out..."

Maid: "We have a large variety of wines, and liquores, if you are interested~"

Momo: "Oh no, I don't really drink." *goes to sit down*

Sean: "Neither do I." *pulls out Momo's chair*

Maid: "Oh, well we have plenty of teas and soft drinks as well."

Momo: *smiles and sits in the chair* "Thank you Sean."

Sean: *pushes in her chair with a smile* "I think I'd like some tea."

Maid: *smiles with a nod* "Alright, any specific flavor?"

Sean: "Green tea will do."

Momo: "I'll have some grey earl tea if you have it."

Maid: "alright, I'll put those in~" *heads off*

Momo: *looks at the menu* "So what do you want to eat?"

Sean: *sits down and looks at his own menu* "Do we want appetizers, first?"

Momo: *hums a bit in thought* "I'm not sure, do you want any?"

Sean: "We can split it if you want." :o

Momo: *looks over the menu* "How about these cheese sticks?"

Sean: "Sure!" ^-^

Momo: *giggles* "Then we'll get that as an appetizer." *looks over the menu some more* "I think maybe I'll get a bacon cheese burger."

Sean: "I'll have the Surf 'n Turf platter." :P

Momo: *smiles* "Sounds yummy."

Sean: "And expensive. Not only do I get a lot of food, but if Betty's footing the bill..." <img:2706_1128818519.gif>

Momo: *giggles* "Nice idea."

Sean: "Why, thank you~" :P

Momo: "You're welcome."

Maid: *returns with drinks and sets them down* "Have you decided on an appetizer or meal?"

Sean: "We'll share cheese sticks for the appetizer."

Maid: "Alright, if you have a meal in mind I can put that in after the appetizer."

Momo: "Should we order the meal now if we're ready?"

Maid: "If you are ready."

Sean: *nods for Momo to go first*

Momo: "I'd like the bacon cheese burger and fries please."

Sean: "And I'll have the Surf 'n Turf platter."

Maid: *writes it down* okie dokie~

Momo: *smiles, closes her menu and sets it aside*

Sean: *places his menu on top of Momo's*

Lilly X Edgar

Date setting: Hiking through the woods at night~

"=____= I'm going to kill that old bat." Lilly muttered strangling the air.

"Not cute." Edgar said from behind her, causing her to jump.

"EEEk! Edgar, for god sake don't do that!"

"Do what?" Edgar replied tilting his head to the right.

"Appear behind me! it's creepy!"

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2014-02-25 [Kbird]: XD I like this

2014-02-25 [~Crimson Angel~]: Me too.

2014-02-25 [ancienteye]: He's down. XD

2014-02-25 [Kbird]: XD poor Takara thinks she killed him.

2014-02-25 [ancienteye]: XD XD XD Too bad they're on the beach with no one to call an ambulance or check his pulse...

2014-02-25 [Kbird]: XD I know! And everything was going pretty well

2014-02-25 [ancienteye]: XD Sean let his nerves get the best of him...

2014-02-25 [Kbird]: Takara was just being Takara she didn't understand what a date was XD

2014-02-25 [ancienteye]: Poor Sean just gets so nervous at this sort of thing. XP

2014-02-25 [Kbird]: XD they where cute though

2014-02-25 [ancienteye]: XD Yeah. They wouldn't last long, though.

2014-02-25 [Kbird]: Nope, Takara to...hmm abrasive?

2014-02-25 [ancienteye]: XD I'm not sure that's the word, but I get what you mean.

2014-02-25 [Kbird]: XD I couldn't think of a good word.

2014-02-25 [ancienteye]: I can't really think of one, either...

2014-02-25 [Kbird]: XP "bold personality" maybe?

2014-02-25 [ancienteye]: I don't think Sean would mind "bold" in general...I just get the feeling that he'd spend the early phase of their relationship passed out and the later years just irritated.

2014-02-25 [Kbird]: why Irritated?

2014-02-25 [ancienteye]: I just don't imagine him getting used to explaining things all the time. He's used to doing it on occasion when his friends need advice or homework help, but he's not as eager to yap about it as Yue is. XD

2014-02-25 [Kbird]: XD ahh okay gottcha...yeah they wouldn't last

2014-02-25 [ancienteye]: Exactly. XD

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